Six The Musical at Lena Horne Theatre

Six The Musical Tickets

Lena Horne Theatre | New York, New York

Six The Musical

The depths of happiness in Musicals can be experienced this March in New York, New York when Six the Musical comes to perform at the Lena Horne Theatre stage on Monday, Monday 11th March 2024. The premise is remarkably simple. Six sees the wives of Henry VIII compete for the saddest tale. Anne Boleyn, portrayed exquisitely by the boisterous Millie O’Connell, insists that getting beheaded is the ultimate end to a difficult existence, something perhaps only the downtrodden and equally headless Catherine Howard (Aimie Atkinson) could match. Yet each of the title’s six has their own story of woe, and more importantly, their own sense of empowerment to deliver. Don’t miss out on this unique event! Click the Buy Tickets button below.

In this sense, we’re not actually talking about the costumes, which are glorious by the way, but the premise of this musical is being a show. A musical about Henry VIII’s six wives could have actually gone lots of different ways but the direction they chose was certainly different and makes this production truly stand out, in a stunning way, the style makes it really contemporary and instantly likeable. This show is sure to leave you stunned, some come to the world famous Lena Horne Theatre in New York for a night of timeless entertainment.

Six The Musical at Lena Horne Theatre

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